112-2 國立高雄餐旅大學高教深耕計畫
【 辦理職場輔導系列活動-TOCFL考試技巧及就業優勢 】


Course Name

【 辦理職場輔導系列活動-TOCFL考試技巧及就業優勢 】Customer Relationship Management and Enhancing Personal Value

內容 授課老師 :
Teacher      : 
授課期間 :04/26
Course Dates:04/26
授課時間 :星期三18:00-12:00
Course Time:Wednesday 18:00-12:00
授課教室 :H302
Classroom  : H302




Want to increase your personal value?
It’s not just about taking the TOCFL exam, but the proficiency in Mandarin is also a major plus in employment! Being proficient in Mandarin may even help you to have a better salaries in the industry! The Language Center is also providing certification subsidies now!
This time we invite the professional teachers to explain questions types and exam questions for you. Seize the opportunity to sign up!







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